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Last active 99 days ago

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Duly Trecy (26) - Senior Caregiver - Gatineau

Senior Caregiver
1 year experience Salary:$25 / hour
I am respectful of elderly people, I am very emphatic, helping others is a pleasure for me


I am responsible in perfect health, my empathy and my sense of morale make me the ideal person because I would not treat the person in such a way that they feel diminished but on the contrary that they always feel alive, the dialogue on this subject is a crucial point. Because I learn a lot from his experience and he from mine, perhaps why not. We'll laugh, we'll make your days brighter

Medical conditions:


Salary:$25 / hour

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Duly Trecy is a senior caregiver in Gatineau city available to provide home support to your senior loved ones. Duly Trecy has 1 year of experience as a senior caregiver and speaks English, French. Duly Trecy hourly wage is $ 25/hour.

Duly Trecy is a senior caregiver offering various home support services for the elderly: Live-out care, Meal preparation, Companionship, Assistance with personal hygiene.

Duly Trecy can take care of elderly people with the following medical conditions: Bedridden, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Factured Hip, Incontinence, Paralysis, Quadriplegic Care, .

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